Cross platform

Are you looking to build your mobile app without doubling your budget? Do you want your software to shine on both iOS and Android without having to build it twice? If yes, you’ve landed in the right place. In today’s competitive digital landscape, businesses need to be agile and efficient in reaching their target audience. 

Cross-platform application development offers an innovative solution to this challenge by allowing you to create a single codebase that works seamlessly across multiple platforms. This not only saves time and resources but also ensures a consistent and high-quality user experience.

With over 13 years of crafting bespoke software solutions for clients across diverse industries and business scales, Mallow’s expertise in app development runs deep. Our team has a proven track record of delivering high-performance, user-centric applications, including in-depth knowledge of cross-platform development. This hands-on experience positions us to provide valuable insights into the complexities and potential benefits of cross-platform app development, empowering businesses to make informed decisions for their projects.

By reading this article, you’ll gain a clear understanding of what cross-platform application development is and how it can help your business. You’ll learn about the main benefits, like cost savings and a quicker launch process, as well as how it enables you to reach a broader audience. We’ll provide an overview of popular development tools and frameworks, and touch on some common challenges you might face. Whether you’re considering developing your first app or looking to optimize your current approach, this article will equip you with the knowledge and insights needed to succeed in the world of cross-platform development.

What is cross-platform app development?

In an era where mobile devices dominate, businesses are increasingly seeking ways to efficiently reach users across different platforms. Cross-platform application development is an innovative approach that addresses this need. It involves creating a single codebase that can run on multiple operating systems, such as iOS and Android. This method contrasts with traditional native development, where separate versions of an app must be built for each platform. 

The rising demand for cross-platform development is driven by its cost-effectiveness, quicker time to market, and the ability to maintain a consistent user experience across devices. As businesses aim to maximize their digital presence while managing budgets and resources, cross-platform solutions have become an essential strategy in the software development landscape.

What are the benefits of cross-platform development

Cost efficiency 

Developing a single codebase for multiple platforms significantly reduces the costs associated with creating separate native apps. For example, instead of hiring separate teams to develop iOS and Android versions of an app, businesses can invest in one development team familiar with cross-platform frameworks like React Native or Flutter. This not only saves on initial development costs but also reduces long-term expenses related to maintenance and updates, as changes can be implemented across all platforms simultaneously.

Faster time to market 

Cross-platform development accelerates the time to market by allowing businesses to launch their apps on multiple platforms simultaneously. This is especially advantageous in competitive industries where being first to market can provide a significant edge. For instance, a startup looking to release a new service can quickly reach a broad audience by deploying on both iOS and Android from day one, rather than staggering releases across different platforms.

Consistent user experience

A single codebase ensures that the user experience is consistent across different devices and operating systems. This consistency helps build a strong brand identity and ensures that users have the same experience, whether they’re using an app on an Android phone or an iPad. For example, a retail app with a consistent interface and features across platforms can provide a seamless shopping experience, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Wider audience reach 

By supporting multiple platforms, cross-platform development enables businesses to reach a broader audience without additional development work. This is particularly beneficial for companies targeting diverse markets. For example, an educational app can simultaneously cater to students using different devices, ensuring that no user segment is left out.

Simplified maintenance and updates 

With a unified codebase, maintaining and updating the app becomes more straightforward. Any bug fixes, new features, or updates can be applied across all platforms at once, ensuring uniform functionality. This efficiency not only saves time and resources but also ensures that all users benefit from improvements simultaneously, enhancing the overall user experience.

What challenges could arise in cross-platform development, and how can they be mitigated

Performance-related differences

One of the main challenges in cross-platform development is achieving optimal performance across different devices and operating systems. Since cross-platform apps often rely on a single codebase that may not be fully optimized for each platform, they can experience slower load times or less responsive interfaces compared to native apps. For example, graphic-intensive applications, such as multimedia applications or augmented reality apps, might struggle with performance. To overcome this, your development team can use platform-specific code optimizations or native modules to enhance performance where necessary.

Limited access to native features 

Cross-platform frameworks may not fully support all native features of each platform, which can limit the functionality of the app. For instance, certain hardware-specific features, like advanced camera controls or biometric authentication, might not be accessible through a cross-platform tool. To address this challenge, you can use plugins or native code to access these features, ensuring that the app meets the required specifications and user expectations.

Maintaining user interface (UI) consistency 

Maintaining a consistent user interface across different platforms can be challenging due to varying design guidelines and user expectations. For example, iOS and Android have different UI standards, and an interface that works well on one platform may not translate perfectly to the other. You can mitigate this by carefully designing the UI to be flexible and adaptable, using conditional statements to adjust for platform-specific UI elements while maintaining a cohesive overall design.

Debugging complexity 

Debugging a cross-platform application can be more complex than debugging a native app, as issues may manifest differently on each platform. For example, a bug that appears on Android might not be present on iOS, or vice versa, due to differences in how the platforms handle certain functionalities. To manage this, you should go with comprehensive testing and debugging tools that allow for testing across multiple platforms. Maintaining thorough documentation and consistent coding practices can help streamline the debugging process.

Security concerns 

Cross-platform apps can be sometimes vulnerable to security issues because they rely on a single codebase that needs to be secure across all platforms. A vulnerability in one platform could potentially affect the entire application. For example, if a cross-platform app has a security flaw on Android, it could compromise user data on all other platforms. To overcome this challenge, your development should implement strong security measures, such as data encryption and secure coding practices, and regularly update the app to address any newly discovered vulnerabilities. Framework providers are actively enhancing security measures through ongoing updates.

What are the crucial aspects to evaluate when developing cross-platform apps?

Evaluate the platform-specific requirements and features 

When developing a cross-platform application, it’s essential to consider the unique requirements and features of each platform. For example, iOS and Android have different design guidelines and capabilities. Evaluate how your app will handle platform-specific functionalities, such as push notifications, in-app purchases, or biometric authentication. Ensure that the cross-platform framework you choose can support these features or plan to integrate native modules to address any gaps.

Your key action items for this factor involve:

  • Identify the key platform-specific features required for your app.
  • Review the capabilities of potential cross-platform frameworks to support these features.
  • Plan for integration of native modules or APIs if needed.
  • Conduct feasibility studies to address any potential limitations.

Performance optimization 

Performance can vary significantly across platforms. Assess how the app will perform on different devices and operating systems, particularly if it involves high-performance tasks such as real-time data processing or graphics rendering. Choose a cross-platform framework that provides the necessary performance optimizations and be prepared to implement platform-specific adjustments to ensure smooth and responsive user experiences.

Your key action items for this factor involve:

  • Benchmark the performance of potential frameworks with your app’s requirements.
  • Implement performance testing across different devices and platforms.
  • Optimize the codebase for efficiency and responsiveness.
  • Address any performance issues with platform-specific tweaks.

User Experience (UX) and Interface Design 

A consistent and intuitive user experience is critical. While cross-platform tools aim to provide uniformity, they may not always fully adhere to platform-specific UX guidelines. Design your app with flexibility in mind, allowing for adjustments to fit the native look and feel of each platform. Conduct usability testing on both iOS and Android devices to gather feedback and refine the interface accordingly.

Your key action items for this factor involve:

  • Design the user interface with adaptability for different platforms.
  • Conduct user experience testing on both iOS and Android devices.
  • Gather feedback and make necessary adjustments to meet platform-specific UX standards.
  • Ensure the app provides a seamless and consistent experience across devices.

Integration with existing systems 

Consider how the cross-platform application will integrate with your existing systems and data sources. Ensure that the chosen framework supports necessary integrations, such as APIs or third-party services, and that it aligns with your IT infrastructure. Effective integration can streamline workflows and improve overall functionality, so plan for thorough testing and validation.

Your key action items for this factor involve:

  • Map out the required integrations with existing systems and services.
  • Verify the cross-platform framework’s compatibility with these integrations.
  • Develop and test integration points thoroughly to ensure smooth functionality.
  • Address any integration challenges early in the development process.

Development and maintenance costs 

Evaluate the total cost of ownership, including both development and long-term maintenance. While cross-platform development can reduce initial costs by using a single codebase, there may be additional expenses for integrating native features, optimizing performance, or addressing platform-specific issues. Develop a detailed budget and timeline, and factor in ongoing maintenance needs to ensure that the project remains cost-effective throughout its lifecycle.

Your key action items for this factor involve:

  • Create a detailed budget that includes development, integration, and maintenance costs.
  • Assess potential additional costs for performance optimizations and feature integrations.
  • Develop a maintenance plan for ongoing updates and issue resolution.
  • Regularly review and adjust the budget as needed to stay within financial constraints.

What are the examples of cross-platform technologies?

When it comes to cross-platform development, several frameworks stand out for their capabilities, community support, and versatility. Here’s an overview of some of the most popular ones:

React Native

Cross-platform app development

React Native, developed by Facebook, allows developers to build mobile applications using JavaScript and React. It provides a rich set of components that render natively on iOS and Android, ensuring a smooth and responsive user experience. React Native is known for its hot-reloading feature, which speeds up development by allowing developers to see changes in real-time. Its strong community support and vast ecosystem of libraries make it a popular choice for creating high-performance apps quickly.


Cross-platform app development

Flutter, created by Google, uses the Dart programming language and is designed to build natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Global developers favor Flutter most for cross-platform mobile app development, based on a 2023 survey. Flutter’s standout feature is its widget-based architecture, which allows developers to create highly customizable and visually appealing user interfaces. With its expressive UI and high-performance rendering engine, Flutter is ideal for projects that require a unique look and feel, as well as smooth animations and transitions.


Cross-platform app development

Xamarin, a Microsoft product, leverages C# and the .NET framework to develop cross-platform applications. It allows developers to use a shared codebase while accessing native APIs and features. Xamarin provides tools for building apps that look and perform like native applications on both iOS and Android. Its integration with Microsoft’s ecosystem is beneficial for businesses already using .NET technologies and services, making it a suitable choice for enterprise-level applications.

ℹ️ Current trends with Mallow:
It’s important to note that Microsoft has discontinued support for Xamarin as of May 1st, 2024. To address this change, Microsoft has introduced .NET Multi-platform App UI (MAUI) as a comprehensive replacement for Xamarin.


Cross-platform app development

Ionic is an open-source framework that uses web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build cross-platform apps. It is built on top of Angular and leverages Apache Cordova or Capacitor to access native device features. Ionic is known for its extensive library of pre-built components and themes, which facilitate the rapid development of mobile applications with a web-like interface. It’s a good option for developers familiar with web technologies who want to create hybrid apps that run on multiple platforms.

What is the best framework for cross-app development?

Requirement CriteriaReact NativeFlutterXamarinIonic
Development speedGood – Hot-reloading speeds up development, but may face occasional delays with complex UIs.Best – Fast development with expressive UI and real-time updates.Better – Good development speed but may require more setup for advanced features.Good – Fast for web-based UIs but slower for complex native interactions.
PerformanceBetter– Near-native performance but can struggle with intensive graphics or animations.Best – High-performance due to Dart’s compilation to native code and efficient rendering engine.Good – Good performance but may not match native apps due to abstraction layers.Good – Performance is adequate but can be slower compared to native or more optimized frameworks.
UI customizationGood– Provides native-like components but customization may require extra work.Best – Highly customizable widgets for unique and complex UIs.Better – Provides native controls but limited in customization compared to Flutter.Good – Offers pre-built components but less flexibility in customization compared to Flutter.
Integration with existing systemsBetter – Good integration with various libraries and APIs, but may need additional setup.Good – Integration is straightforward, but less mature than React Native in some areas.Best – Excellent integration with Microsoft technologies and enterprise systems.Good – Integrates well with web technologies, but may require additional plugins for native features.
Community supportBest – Strong community with extensive libraries and resources.Good – Growing community with a lot of support and documentation.Better – Solid support, particularly within Microsoft ecosystems, but smaller community.Good – Active community with many resources, though less focused on mobile-specific issues.
Cost efficiencyGood– Reduces cost compared to native development, but some features may require extra resources.Better – Efficient with a single codebase and high performance, which can lower overall costs.Good – Cost-effective for .NET-based projects but may require additional resources for advanced features.Better – Low cost for web-based projects, but performance trade-offs can affect long-term expenses.

This table provides a general overview of each cross-platform development tool. Actual performance and suitability may vary based on specific project needs and technological changes. Consult with a development expert for a tailored recommendation.

What are the top mobile application development platforms?

Choosing the right cross-platform development tool is crucial for the success of your app. While each framework—React Native, Flutter, Xamarin, and Ionic—offers unique advantages, the best choice depends on your specific project requirements, such as performance needs, UI customization, integration capabilities, and budget considerations. Evaluating these factors carefully will help you select the most suitable tool, ensuring an efficient development process and a high-quality, versatile application that meets your business goals. 

The decision to go cross-platform is a pivotal moment for your app’s success. Choosing the right path can accelerate development, expand your reach, and optimize costs. But the wrong choice can lead to subpar performance, user frustration, and missed opportunities. Don’t let indecision be the app killer. To solidify your decision, checkout our article on top mobile application development platforms. This article will equip you with in-depth comparisons of performance, development speed, community support, and more.You’ll emerge with a clear understanding of which framework is the ideal launchpad for your app.

Still not clear with what your next action item should be? Feel free to reachout to our team. Our experts would be more than happy to help you. 



Manivel is the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Mallow Technologies, with over two decade of experience in the field of application development. His driving vision when co-founding Mallow was to empower businesses to unlock their potential through the strategic utilisation of technology. Over the years, he has solidified his reputation as a reliable technical partner and advisor to clients spanning various sectors. Manivel's unique proficiency in ideating and delivering customised application solutions has played a transformative role in facilitating the success of numerous enterprises amidst the ever-evolving digital landscape.