Security practices of Laravel application

In 2024 the importance of implementing robust security practices for your Laravel application remains as crucial as it’s ever been. It’s imperative to fortify your digital stronghold, ensuring the protection not only of code lines but also of the trust that users have in your application. 

We at Mallow combine technical prowess with a deep understanding of the ever-evolving digital landscape. Our developers possess a comprehensive knowledge of the nuances and trends of Laravel applications.

This article will equip you with a wealth of insights that extend beyond conventional coding guidelines.  You will find actionable strategies to fortify your applications against emerging cyber threats and helping you stay ahead. The article not only demystifies the insights of Laravel security but also provides practical guidance on implementation that anyone could understand – so you can navigate these complexities with confidence.


Which Laravel security practices should you prioritise and monitor closely?

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, ensuring the security of your Laravel application is paramount. To fortify your digital fortress in 2024, it’s imperative to prioritise and monitor certain security practices diligently. Let’s delve into key measures that not only enhance the security posture of your Laravel application but also contribute to the overall robustness of your digital presence.

1. Keep your Laravel version up to date

  • What does it mean? –  Laravel, being an open-source framework, consistently releases updates containing security patches, bug fixes, and performance improvements. Keeping your Laravel version up to date involves integrating these updates into your application, ensuring it remains resilient against evolving security threats.
  • Why is it necessary? –  Outdated versions may harbor known vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers. Regular updates guarantee that your application benefits from the latest defense mechanisms, minimising the risk of security breaches and bolstering overall system stability.
  • How can you achieve it? –  If you are upgrading your application from one minor version to the other then you can utilise Composer, Laravel’s dependency manager, to effortlessly update your Laravel application. By running a few commands, you can stay synchronised with the latest releases and fortify your system’s security posture. While on the other hand if you are upgrading your application from a legacy version to the newest version then you either have to conduct the upgrade approach either manually or using Laravel Shift. Check out this article on when and how to transition to the latest version of your Laravel application to the latest version, for detailed insights on how you can perform the upgrade efficiently.
  • What impact will it have on your business? – The commitment to maintaining an up-to-date Laravel version demonstrates diligence in safeguarding user data, fostering trust, and enhancing the overall credibility of your application.

2. Create proper authentication

  • What does it mean? – Creating proper authentication and cryptography involves implementing robust security measures to safeguard user identities and sensitive data within your business applications. Authentication verifies user identity, while cryptography ensures that data is securely stored and transmitted.
  • Why is it necessary? – Implementing strong authentication and cryptography is necessary to protect your business applications from unauthorised access and data breaches. It establishes a secure environment, preserving the confidentiality and integrity of user information, ultimately building trust among your users.
  • How easily can you achieve it in Laravel? – Achieving robust authentication and cryptography in your applications is streamlined with modern frameworks like Laravel. Leverage built-in features, such as Laravel Jetstream, to implement secure user authentication seamlessly. For cryptography, utilize Laravel’s encryption tools to safeguard sensitive data effortlessly.
  • What impact will it have on your business? – Implementing proper authentication and cryptography has a profound impact on your business by fortifying its security posture. It reduces the risk of unauthorized access, protects sensitive information, and enhances user trust. Investing in these security measures not only safeguards your business reputation but also ensures compliance with data protection standards.

Check out this piece of information from OWASP on insecure session management for more insights. 

3. Data validation

  • What does it mean? – Data validation is the process of ensuring that the data input into your business applications meets predefined standards and criteria. It acts as a gatekeeper, verifying the accuracy and integrity of the information your applications receive.
  • Why is it necessary? – Ensuring data validation is necessary to maintain the quality and reliability of your business data. It prevents the entry of erroneous or malicious data, contributing to the overall accuracy and effectiveness of your applications.
  • How easily can you achieve it in Laravel? –  With the help of request validation rules and middleware, Laravel can effectively filter and validate user inputs. Implementing these practices safeguards against common attack vectors and enhances the overall security of your application.
  • What impact will it have on your business? – Implementing stringent data validation processes safeguards your business against inaccuracies and potential security vulnerabilities. It enhances the trustworthiness of your data, improves decision-making processes, and ensures a more efficient and reliable operation. Embracing data validation is a proactive step toward maintaining the integrity of your business applications and the credibility of your data.

Check out this piece of information from OWASP on input validation for more insights.

4. Implementing CSRF protection

  • What does it mean? – CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) protection is a security measure implemented to safeguard against unauthorised actions initiated by an attacker on behalf of an authenticated user.
  • Why is it necessary? – CSRF attacks exploit the trust a website has in a user’s browser by tricking it into making unintended requests. Implementing CSRF protection is crucial to prevent malicious entities from forcing users to perform unintended actions, such as changing passwords, making transactions, or updating sensitive information without their consent.
  • How easily can you achieve it in Laravel? – Laravel simplifies CSRF protection through built-in middleware. The framework automatically generates CSRF tokens for each active user session. Including the @csrf Blade directive in forms ensures that the generated token is embedded, and Laravel’s middleware validates incoming requests against this token. The process is seamless, requiring minimal manual intervention.
  • What impact will it have on your business? – Implementing CSRF protection in your Laravel application is essential for maintaining the integrity of user interactions and securing sensitive transactions. Without CSRF protection, your business could be vulnerable to attacks that manipulate user actions, leading to potential data breaches, unauthorised transactions, and a loss of user trust.

Check out this piece of information from OWASP on CSRF for more insights.

5. SQL injection

  • What does it mean? – SQL injection is a cybersecurity vulnerability where malicious SQL code is inserted into input fields, potentially compromising the integrity of your database. Attackers exploit this vulnerability to manipulate, retrieve, or even delete data, posing a serious threat to the security of your business applications.
  • Why is it necessary? – Understanding and mitigating SQL injection is necessary to prevent unauthorized access and manipulation of your database. By implementing protective measures, you safeguard your business applications from potential data breaches and maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information.
  • How easily can you achieve it in Laravel? – Mitigating SQL injection is made easier with Laravel’s built-in security features. Utilise Eloquent, Laravel’s ORM, to interact with the database securely, as it automatically escapes and protects against SQL injection. Laravel also provides query parameter binding, offering an additional layer of defense against this type of cyber threat.
  • What impact will it have on your business? – Falling victim to SQL injection can have severe consequences for your business, including unauthorised access to critical data, data manipulation, and potential legal ramifications. By proactively addressing and preventing SQL injection vulnerabilities, you safeguard your business reputation, customer trust, and overall data security.

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6. Sensitive data exposure

  • What does it mean? – Sensitive data exposure refers to the unintentional or unauthorised disclosure of confidential information, such as personal details, financial records, or login credentials. This vulnerability can occur when sensitive data is inadequately protected, making it accessible to malicious actors or unauthorised users.
  • Why is it necessary? –  Protecting sensitive data is crucial to maintaining the trust of users and clients. Exposure of such information can lead to identity theft, financial loss, and other serious consequences. Implementing robust security measures is necessary to safeguard sensitive data from potential breaches and uphold the integrity of an organisation.
  • How easily can you achieve it in Laravel? – You can leverage encryption, secure coding practices, and Laravel’s authentication mechanisms to fortify their applications against common vulnerabilities, reducing the risk of data exposure.implementing proper authorisation and authentication is imperative. Laravel provides straightforward methods for integrating these crucial security measures, ensuring that only authorised users access sensitive data. For an expedited and feature-rich implementation, you can make the best use of Laravel Jetstream, a powerful application scaffolding provided by Laravel.
  • What impact will it have on your business? – The impact of sensitive data exposure on a business can be severe. It may result in legal consequences, damage to the company’s reputation, and financial losses. Customers may lose trust in the organisation, leading to a decline in user engagement and potential revenue. Proactively addressing and preventing sensitive data exposure is essential for the long-term sustainability and success of any business.

Check out this piece of information from OWASP on sensitive data exposure for more insights. 

7.  Code injection

  • What does it mean? – Code injection is a cybersecurity vulnerability where an attacker inserts malicious code into a software application. This can happen when user inputs are not properly validated or sanitised, allowing the attacker to execute arbitrary code within the application’s context, potentially leading to unauthorised access, data breaches, or system compromise.
  • Why is it necessary? – Understanding code injection is necessary for both developers and security professionals to fortify software against exploitation. By comprehending the potential risks associated with code injection, you can implement stringent input validation and sanitation measures, minimising the likelihood of such vulnerabilities in their code.
  • How easily can you achieve it in Laravel? – Laravel, being a robust and security-focused PHP framework, provides tools to help prevent code injection. You can utilise features like Eloquent ORM and Laravel’s templating engine, Blade, which automatically escapes output, reducing the risk of unintentional code execution. Following best practices, such as parameterised queries and input validation, further enhances Laravel’s resilience against code injection.
  • What impact will it have on your business? – The impact of code injection on a business can be severe, ranging from compromised user data and unauthorised access to complete system takeover. Such breaches can lead to legal ramifications, reputational damage, and financial losses. Proactive measures, including secure coding practices and regular security audits, are essential to mitigate the risks associated with code injection and safeguard the integrity of a business’s digital infrastructure.

Check out this piece of information from OWASP on code injection for more insights.

8. Rate limiting unwanted requests

  • What does it mean? – Rate limiting unwanted requests involves restricting the number of requests a user or system can make to a web application within a specific timeframe. This security measure is implemented to prevent abuse, such as denial-of-service attacks or unauthorised access attempts, by limiting the rate at which requests can be made.
  • Why is it necessary? –  Implementing rate limiting is essential to protect a web application from various types of abuse and security threats. Without such restrictions, malicious actors could overwhelm the server with a flood of requests, causing service disruption, potential data breaches, or exploitation of vulnerabilities. Rate limiting ensures fair usage, protects server resources, and enhances the overall security posture of the application.
  • How easily can you achieve it in Laravel? –  Laravel simplifies the implementation of rate limiting through its middleware and throttle features. You can easily set rate limits based on user roles, IP addresses, or routes, controlling the frequency of requests. Laravel’s built-in tools make it straightforward to configure and enforce rate limits, enhancing the application’s resilience against abuse.
  • What impact will it have on your business? – Effective rate limiting can positively impact a business by ensuring the availability and reliability of its online services. By preventing abuse and potential attacks, businesses can maintain a consistent and secure user experience. This, in turn, safeguards the reputation of the business, user trust, and the overall integrity of the digital platform.

9. Keep your first and third party packages up to date

  • What does it mean? – Keeping your first and third-party packages up to date involves regularly updating the software libraries and components your business application relies on. This ensures that you benefit from the latest features, security patches, and improvements provided by the package developers.
  • Why is it necessary? – Necessary for staying current with technological advancements, updating packages helps address potential vulnerabilities, enhances the stability of your application, and guarantees compatibility with the evolving software ecosystem. It’s a proactive measure to safeguard your application against security risks and ensure optimal performance.
  • How easily can you achieve it in Laravel? – Laravel simplifies package management through Composer, a dependency manager for PHP. With a straightforward command—composer update—you can effortlessly update all packages to their latest versions, ensuring seamless integration of new features and security patches.
  • What impact will it have on your business? – Regularly updating packages in your Laravel application positively influences the overall security, stability, and functionality of your business software. It mitigates the risk of security breaches, enhances user experience through improved features, and contributes to the longevity and competitiveness of your application in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Check out this piece of information from OWASP on using vulnerable components for more insights.

10. Don’t store sensitive data in the logs

  • What does it mean? – Avoiding the storage of sensitive data in logs refers to the practice of not including confidential information, such as passwords or personal identification, in application logs. This precautionary measure is taken to prevent unintentional exposure of sensitive data that could compromise security.
  • Why is it necessary? – It is necessary to refrain from storing sensitive data in logs to uphold security and privacy standards. Logging such information can pose a risk if logs are accessed by unauthorised individuals, potentially leading to data breaches or unauthorised access. Adhering to this practice ensures that critical information remains protected and helps to maintain compliance with privacy regulations.
  • How easily can you achieve it in Laravel? – In Laravel, preventing the storage of sensitive data in logs is achievable through careful coding practices. You need to be mindful of the information being logged and avoid including sensitive details. Laravel’s logging configuration allows for customisation, enabling you to specify which information is recorded, facilitating the adherence to security best practices.
  • What impact will it have on your business? – Avoiding the storage of sensitive data in logs is pivotal for maintaining the trust of users and protecting the integrity of your business. By mitigating the risk of unintentional data exposure, you reduce the likelihood of security incidents, potential legal consequences, and safeguard your business reputation. This practice contributes to a secure and compliant operational environment for your digital solutions.

11.  Stop running your production instance with debugging mode enabled

  • What does it mean? – Disabling debugging mode in a production instance entails turning off detailed error messages and stack traces that are typically beneficial during development but pose security risks if exposed in a live environment. This ensures that sensitive information is not unintentionally disclosed to users or potential attackers.
  • Why is it necessary? – Disabling debugging mode in production is essential for security reasons. Enabling debugging mode in a live environment may expose internal details of your application, providing valuable information to malicious actors and increasing the risk of exploitation. It is a fundamental security practice to prevent sensitive data exposure and potential vulnerabilities.
  • How easily can you achieve it in Laravel? – In Laravel, disabling debugging mode in production is a straightforward process. You can update the application’s configuration file to set the `APP_DEBUG` variable to `false`. Laravel’s clear separation of environments and thoughtful configuration options make it easy to ensure that debugging features are only active during development.
  • What impact will it have on your business? – Disabling debugging mode in production is crucial for maintaining the security and integrity of your business applications. By preventing the exposure of sensitive information, you reduce the risk of exploitation and unauthorised access. This practice contributes to a more robust security posture, safeguarding your business reputation and ensuring the consistent and secure operation of your digital solutions.

12. Enumeration attacks

  • What does it mean? –  Enumeration attacks involve systematically extracting sensitive information about a system or application. Attackers may exploit vulnerabilities by probing for user accounts, permissions, or other confidential details through trial and error.
  • Why is it necessary? – Enumeration attacks are a common prelude to more sophisticated security breaches. By identifying and blocking enumeration attempts, you can thwart potential attackers and safeguard critical information.
  • How easily can you achieve it in Laravel? – Implement robust authentication mechanisms, such as account lockouts after a certain number of failed login attempts. Laravel’s authentication features, including throttle middleware, can be configured to detect and respond to enumeration attacks.
  • What impact will it have on your business? – Protects user accounts and sensitive data from unauthorised access, enhancing overall application security and preserving user trust.

13. Verifying and handling files properly

  • What does it mean? – Verifying and handling files properly involves implementing secure processes to ensure the accurate and safe manipulation of files within a software application. This includes validating file types, checking for potential security threats, and establishing secure storage and retrieval mechanisms.
  • Why is it necessary? – Necessitated by security considerations, proper file verification and handling mitigate the risks associated with file-based vulnerabilities. This practice ensures data integrity, guards against potential security breaches, and fosters a secure and reliable user experience.
  • How easily can you achieve it in Laravel? – In Laravel, implementing secure file handling is streamlined. you can utilise Laravel’s built-in features, such as validation rules and file system methods, to enforce proper file handling. Laravel’s emphasis on security and comprehensive documentation makes it relatively straightforward for you to integrate and maintain secure file verification and handling processes.
  • What impact will it have on your business? – Adhering to proper file verification and handling practices significantly impacts the overall security and reliability of your business applications. By reducing the risk of security incidents and ensuring data integrity, you enhance the trustworthiness of your platform. This, in turn, contributes to a positive user experience, preserves your business reputation, and supports the long-term success of your digital solutions.

Check out this piece of information from OWASP on file upload vulnerablitties for more insights. 

14. Do regular security audits

  • What does it mean? – Regular security audits involve systematic reviews and assessments of your Laravel application’s codebase, configurations, and infrastructure to identify vulnerabilities and potential security weaknesses.
  • Why is it necessary? – Security audits are proactive measures to discover and address security issues before they can be exploited. Regular assessments help maintain the robustness of your application’s defenses against evolving threats.
  • How easily can you achieve it in Laravel? – Engage security professionals or use automated tools to conduct regular code reviews, penetration testing, and vulnerability assessments. Laravel’s secure coding practices and adherence to industry standards aid in passing security audits.
  • What impact will it have on your business? – Identifies and addresses security vulnerabilities, reducing the risk of breaches and ensuring compliance with industry regulations. Regular security audits instill confidence in users and stakeholders regarding the application’s commitment to robust security.

Some additional security factors you need to keep an eye on

Always use HTTPS

  • What does it mean? –  HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) encrypts data exchanged between users and the server, ensuring a secure and confidential communication channel. Implementing HTTPS involves acquiring and configuring an SSL certificate for your domain, providing an encrypted environment for data transmission.
  • Why is it necessary? – HTTPS safeguards against eavesdropping, data tampering, and man-in-the-middle attacks, establishing a secure connection that protects sensitive user information during transit.

  • How can you achieve it? – Achieving HTTPS is relatively straightforward. Acquire an SSL/TLS certificate from a Certificate Authority, configure it on your server, and ensure that your application’s URLs use “https://” instead of “http://”. Many hosting providers offer simplified processes to enable HTTPS.
  • What impact will it have on your business? –  Users perceive HTTPS as a fundamental security measure, instilling confidence in your platform and contributing to a positive user experience.

Don’t expose servers to the public

  • What does it mean? – The directive not to expose servers and databases to the public implies avoiding the direct accessibility of server resources from the open internet. It involves securing servers behind firewalls or other protective measures to restrict unauthorised access.
  • Why is it necessary? – It is necessary to avoid exposing servers and databases to the public to minimise security risks. Direct exposure can make servers susceptible to various attacks, unauthorised access, and potential exploitation of vulnerabilities. By implementing this precaution, organisations can safeguard sensitive data and maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their systems.
  • How easily can you achieve it? – Preventing server exposure to the public can be accomplished through network configurations, firewalls, and security best practices. Restricting access to essential services and utilising tools like Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) or secure gateways ensures that servers remain protected from unauthorised access.
  • What impact will it have on your business? – Implementing the practice of not exposing servers and database to the public is crucial for the overall security and resilience of your business infrastructure. It reduces the risk of security breaches, potential data loss, and unauthorised access, which could have severe consequences for your business reputation and operations. This precautionary measure contributes to maintaining a secure digital environment and instills confidence in users and stakeholders.

Use a firewall

  • What does it mean? – Implementing a firewall to monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic to and from your Laravel application.
  • Why is it necessary? – Firewalls act as a barrier against malicious traffic, preventing unauthorised access and potential security threats. They help filter and monitor traffic, allowing only legitimate connections.
  • How easily can you achieve it? – Achieving firewall protection is typically straightforward. Many hosting providers offer built-in firewall solutions, and there are dedicated firewall appliances and software solutions available. Implementing a firewall can be done through configurations in your server settings, ensuring a relatively simple integration into your application’s security measures.
  • What impact will it have on your business? – Enhances the application’s resilience against cyber threats, ensuring continuous and secure operation.

Don’t open all ports

  • What does it mean? – Limiting the number of open ports on your server to only those essential for the operation of your Laravel application.
  • Why is it necessary? – Opening unnecessary ports increases the attack surface, providing more entry points for potential attackers. Closing unused ports minimises vulnerabilities and reduces the risk of unauthorised access.
  • How easily can you achieve it? – Achieving this security measure is typically straightforward and involves configuring your server’s firewall settings. Most hosting providers offer user-friendly interfaces for managing port access, allowing you to easily specify which ports should remain open for necessary communication.
  • What impact will it have on your business? – Reduces the risk of unauthorised access and potential security breaches, contributing to a more secure and reliable application.

How can you safeguard your application from common security pitfalls?

By now, you’ve gained an understanding of various essential security practices to implement in your Laravel application and the significant benefits they bring. You’ve also acquired insights into the substantial impact these practices have on enhancing the security of your application.

Next, you’re likely worried about the potential security pitfalls that could pose a threat to your Laravel application. We’ve got you covered! Explore our comprehensive article on common security pitfalls and their corresponding solutions for detailed insights and effective measures to safeguard your application.

Still unsure about your next step? Feel free to get in touch with our team.



Anandhan is a passionate technical lead at Mallow, where he plays a crucial role in driving innovation and overseeing the development of cutting-edge solutions. With a wealth of experience in the field of technology, he consistently strives to elevate his team's performance and deliver exceptional results. His multifaceted interests inspire him to approach challenges with creativity and an open mind, leading to innovative solutions that transcend conventional boundaries. Beyond his professional endeavours, Anandhan nurtures a love for literature and cinema. During his free time, you'll often find him engrossed in the pages of books across various genres, exploring diverse narratives and gaining insights from authors around the world.