
What are the 5 key benefits of outsourcing a Laravel development company?

Are you looking to enhance your Laravel development projects? Does your Laravel business application require specialized skills or additional technologies that your in-house team may not have? Rest assured, you’re in the right place to clear up any doubts or questions. At Mallow, our track record speaks for itself, highlighting our expertise in delivering customized […]

Hiring Laravel developer

6 common challenges when hiring a Laravel developer and how to mitigate them

Are you currently in the middle of hiring a Laravel developer? Feeling worried about the challenges that might come your way? It’s quite common for business owners to be unsure, even though you’re being careful with your evaluation. Since the decision to hire a developer directly affects your bottom line, it’s critical to think about […]

Laravel development company

Pros and cons of Outsourcing Laravel development services for your Business

Are you thinking about bringing in external expertise for your Laravel development services? When you’re dedicating time and money and expecting a return on that investment, it’s crucial to make the right choice. Making the right decision requires understanding both the pros and cons of your options. At Mallow, we’ve collaborated with numerous companies over […]

Laravel development company

Top 8 things to consider when hiring a Laravel development company

When hiring a Laravel development company, several important decisions come into play. Beyond needing technical expertise, you may have concerns about reliability, project adaptability, and effective communication. Finding the right development partner can be challenging, especially with so many factors to consider. If you’ve been contemplating hiring a developer, you’re not alone. It’s wise to […]

Laravel Nova

Top 9 Laravel Nova features to know for business applications

Have you ever found yourself in need of a simple and uncomplicated solution for your application’s admin panel? Are you on the lookout for an easy-to-use tool that doesn’t complicate matters, especially when you’re working on small and straightforward projects? If these questions resonate with your experiences, you should explore Laravel Nova. At Mallow our […]

Laravel application

When should I update my Laravel application? 13 signs that it needs a revamp

Are your app users not as happy as they used to be? Are security-related issues keeping you up at night? Do you think that the older version of Laravel you’re currently using is not getting benefitted from the latest features to increase your application’s efficiency? Wondering why things seem slower than usual? Your application is […]

Security practices of Laravel application

14 best security practices to follow for your Laravel application in 2024

In 2024 the importance of implementing robust security practices for your Laravel application remains as crucial as it’s ever been. It’s imperative to fortify your digital stronghold, ensuring the protection not only of code lines but also of the trust that users have in your application.  We at Mallow combine technical prowess with a deep […]