mobile application development

Do you find yourself grappling with the temptation to overload your app with features, unsure of which ones are truly essential for your Minimum Viable Product (MVP)? Picture a scenario where the performance of your app leaves users frustrated, navigating through a sluggish interface. Are you adequately prepared to scale your application when the user base grows, or is scalability an afterthought? And what about the security of your users’ data? 

As you dive into the world of mobile app development, these questions become pivotal in steering clear of pitfalls that could hinder your project’s success. 

At Mallow, our seasoned professionals bring a wealth of experience in crafting innovative, user-centric applications across various industries. We’ve walked numerous clients through navigating the challenges that arise during the MVP phase.

After reading this article you will gain a nuanced understanding of the delicate balance required in crafting a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that resonates with your users while laying a robust foundation for future iterations.  From the perils of feature overload to the intricacies of scalability, each mistake is dissected with precision, offering not only an awareness of potential challenges but also practical strategies for avoidance. 

What is MVP, and why should I use one when developing an application?

MVP stands for Minimum Viable Product, and it refers to a version of a new product that includes only the essential features needed to meet the needs of early adopters and gather feedback for future development. The primary goal of an MVP is to quickly deliver a functional product to the market, test its viability, and collect user feedback to inform subsequent iterations.

As we step into 2024, the concept of MVP remains relevant and beneficial for several reasons:

Faster time to market – Quickly launch a basic version for immediate market entry.

Cost efficiency – Minimize expenses by focusing on essential features, ensuring resource optimization.

Reduced risk of failure – Mitigate risks through incremental development, addressing issues early in the process.

Focus on core value – Concentrate on essential functionalities, emphasizing the product’s core purpose.

Iterative development – Continuously refine and enhance the application based on evolving requirements and user feedback.

User feedback and validation – Engage users early for valuable insights, refining the MVP based on real-world usage.

Adaptability to market changes – Stay responsive, adapting features swiftly to align with dynamic market demands.

What are some common mistakes to be mindful of when developing an MVP for a mobile application?

Skipping market research

When developing an MVP for a mobile application, one critical mistake is skipping market research. Neglecting to understand your target audience, their needs, and the competitive landscape can lead to a product that misses the mark. 


To avoid this, conduct thorough market research:

  • Define your target audience – Clearly identify the demographics, preferences, and pain points of your potential users. This knowledge is fundamental in tailoring your MVP to meet their specific needs.
  • Analyse competitor offerings – Study competitors to understand what works well in similar apps and identify gaps or areas for improvement. This ensures your MVP is competitive and brings additional value to users.
  • Validate market demand – Before diving into development, validate the demand for your app idea. Utilise surveys, focus groups, or landing pages to gauge interest and collect valuable feedback.
  • Understand user behaviours – Analyse user behaviours and trends within your target market. This insight helps in designing features that resonate with users and align with their expectations.
  • Iterate based on feedback – Incorporate market feedback into your MVP’s development. Stay flexible and be willing to iterate based on real-world responses to ensure your product remains aligned with market needs.

Not Defining Clear Goals

A common mistake in MVP development is the lack of a clear goal in mind. Unclear objectives can lead to feature bloat, confusion, and an MVP that fails to address core user needs. 


To avoid this, follow these practical steps:

  • Establish Clear Objectives – Clearly define the primary goals of your MVP. Identify the specific problem your app aims to solve and the key features that will address it. Ensure that each feature aligns with your overarching goals.
  • Prioritise Features – Rank features based on their importance in achieving your goals. Focus on the essential functionalities that directly contribute to solving the identified problem. This helps in avoiding unnecessary complexity in the initial release.
  • Set Measurable Milestones – Break down your goals into measurable milestones. Define key performance indicators (KPIs) that allow you to assess the success of your MVP objectively. This ensures a data-driven approach to evaluating its effectiveness.
  • Communicate Clearly Across Teams – Ensure that everyone involved in the development process, from developers to stakeholders, understands and aligns with the defined goals. Clear communication fosters a shared vision and helps in avoiding feature creep.

Overcomplicating features

Overcomplicating features in an MVP can lead to increased development time, user confusion, and a product that deviates from its core purpose. 


To avoid this common mistake, consider the following practical strategies:

  • Identify Core Features – Clearly distinguish between core features that directly address the main problem and supplementary features. Prioritize the development of essential functionalities that form the backbone of your MVP.
  • Minimal Viable Features – Embrace the concept of a “Minimal Viable Feature.” Ask yourself what features are absolutely necessary for the initial release to solve the identified problem. Limiting features to the essentials streamlines development and user interaction.
  • Iterative Development – Adopt an iterative development approach. Start with a basic version of the features, gather user feedback, and refine them in subsequent iterations. This allows for gradual improvement without overwhelming the initial release.
  • User Feedback Loop –  Establish a feedback loop with users early in the development process. Regularly seek input on features and functionalities to ensure they align with user expectations and needs.

Check if your concept is working 

A crucial mistake in MVP development is neglecting to validate the viability of your app concept early on. 


Ensuring that your idea resonates with users is pivotal for success. Here’s how to avoid this misstep:

  • Build a Prototype – Before investing significant resources, create a prototype or a mockup of your app to visually represent its core functionalities. This allows you to test the concept without extensive development.
  • Conduct User Testing – Gather a small group of target users to interact with your prototype. Observe their reactions, collect feedback, and assess whether your app concept effectively addresses their needs.
  • Run Surveys and Focus Groups – Leverage surveys and focus groups to gather qualitative and quantitative data on your app concept. Understand user expectations, preferences, and any potential reservations they may have. Actively incorporate user feedback into your concept refinement process. Be willing to iterate and make adjustments, ensuring that your app concept evolves based on real-world responses.

Not clearly defining the type of testing to be done

Failure to define the type of testing needed for your MVP can result in insufficient quality assurance and overlooked issues. 


Here’s how to avoid this mistake with practical steps:

It’s important to note that not every type of testing is mandatory for every application. The selection of testing types should align with your MVP’s specific requirements and goals. Tailor your testing strategy to address the unique characteristics of your mobile application, focusing on aspects that are most relevant to its functionality, user experience, and scalability needs.

  • Comprehensive test plan – Develop a detailed test plan that clearly outlines the types of testing required, such as functionality testing, usability testing, performance testing, security testing, and scalability testing. Tailor the plan to your app’s specific needs.
  • Set testing Objectives – Clearly define the objectives of each testing phase. Whether it’s identifying bugs, evaluating user experience, assessing performance under various conditions, ensuring security, or testing scalability, having specific goals ensures comprehensive testing coverage.
  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT) – Prioritise UAT to get feedback directly from end-users. This step helps validate whether the app meets user expectations and identifies any usability issues that might have been overlooked.
  • Some commonly used testing – In software development, we employ various testing methods like automated, performance, security, scalability, and iterative testing to ensure a high-quality and resilient product.

Failure to plan for iterationsA critical oversight in MVP development is the failure to plan for iterations, which can hinder the adaptability and evolution of your mobile application. 


Here’s how to avoid this mistake with practical strategies:

  • Embrace an iterative approach – Acknowledge that an MVP is a starting point, not the final product. Plan for iterative development cycles, allowing room for continuous improvement based on user feedback and changing requirements.
  • Set clear iteration goals – Define clear goals for each iteration. Whether it’s improving user engagement, addressing performance issues, or introducing new features, having specific objectives guides the iterative development process.
  • Collect User Feedback Early – Integrate mechanisms for collecting user feedback from the MVP launch. This feedback becomes the cornerstone for subsequent iterations, ensuring your app aligns closely with user expectations.
  • Prioritise Feature Enhancement – Based on user feedback and data analytics, prioritise features that require enhancement or modification in subsequent iterations. This approach ensures that your app evolves in a way that genuinely addresses user needs.
  • Flexible Development Timeline – Plan a flexible development timeline that accommodates iterative cycles. Avoid rigid schedules that hinder your ability to incorporate valuable insights gained during the MVP’s initial deployment.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making – Leverage user data and performance metrics to decide which features to enhance, remove, or introduce in subsequent iterations. A data-driven approach ensures that your iterations are purposeful and effective.
  • Communication across teams – Promote open communication between development, design, and product teams. Ensure that insights from each team are shared to inform the iterative process effectively.

Misinterpreting  budget and timelineMisinterpreting the budget and timeline for MVP development is a prevalent mistake that can lead to compromised quality and delayed releases. 


Here’s how to avoid this mistake with practical strategies:

  • Comprehensive initial assessment – Conduct a thorough analysis to estimate both the financial and time requirements accurately. Consider factors such as development complexity, desired features, and potential challenges.
  • Buffer for unforeseen challenges –  Allocate a contingency buffer within your budget and timeline to account for unexpected challenges, revisions, and unforeseen issues that may arise during the development process.
  • Prioritise features strategically – Clearly define and prioritise features based on their importance to the MVP’s core functionality. This strategic approach allows you to allocate resources more efficiently and ensures timely delivery of essential functionalities.
  • Regular progress assessments – Conduct regular progress assessments to identify any deviations from the initial timeline or budget. Early detection of issues enables prompt corrective actions and prevents the escalation of problems.
  • Transparent reporting – Maintain transparency in reporting progress and challenges to stakeholders. This helps manage expectations and ensures that all parties involved are aware of the project’s status, allowing for informed decision-making.
  • Consider external expertise – If necessary, consider seeking the expertise of external consultants or development agencies. Experienced professionals can provide realistic assessments and guidance, helping you avoid common pitfalls associated with budget and timeline underestimation.

How much does it cost to build a mobile application?

By now, you’ve gained a comprehensive understanding of the common pitfalls encountered during the development of a mobile application MVP, along with strategies to mitigate these challenges. As your next step, you may be contemplating the actual cost of building a mobile application. Explore our article on the costs associated with mobile application development for in-depth insights and detailed information on the costs involved.

Still unsure about from where you need to take your next step? Feel free to reach out to our team.


Yogesh Murugesh

Yogesh is an accomplished Senior Technical Lead at Mallow, boasting over 11 years of invaluable expertise in the realm of application development. With an extensive background spanning diverse domains, he has consistently delivered applications of the highest calibre. Yogesh's commitment to quality and excellence shines through in every project he undertakes. His career journey is marked by a proven track record of successfully crafting applications that not only meet but often exceed industry standards. His ability to navigate through various domains showcases his adaptability and keen problem-solving skills. Yogesh's contributions have consistently played a pivotal role in driving technological innovation and advancement within his field. Beyond his professional pursuits, Yogesh finds solace and joy in various activities. An ardent cricket enthusiast, he embraces the team spirit and strategic thinking that the sport demands. During leisure moments, he indulges in watching movies, allowing himself to be captivated by different narratives and genres. Moreover, Yogesh cherishes quality time with his child, relishing the role of a devoted parent.